The Team Halo initiative has been backed by the UN and the Vaccine Confidence Project at the London…

The Team Halo initiative has been backed by the UN and the Vaccine Confidence Project at the London…
Dr. Pauline Paterson explains the importance of public confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine.
EBODAC (Ebola Vaccine Deployment, Acceptance and Compliance) was set up to develop strategies and tools to encourage acceptance and uptake of new Ebola vaccines in the context of clinical trials.
In 2019, the EBODAC team developed and piloted the 3C Gap Analysis Tool to help establish a countries readiness for Ebola vaccine deployment in non-emergency…
Emilie Karafillakis, research fellow for the Vaccine Confidence Project, speaks to France 24 about the rising anti-vaccination sentiment…
A repository for the knowledge gained during the Ebola outbreak, this guidebook draws upon the experiences…
This study examined the media messages put forth by different stakeholders in two Ebola vaccine trials that became controversial in Ghana.
This paper discusses the establishment of a clinical trial of an Ebola vaccine candidate in Kambia District, Northern Sierra Leone.