With research hubs at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of Antwerp and Hong Kong University, the Vaccine Confidence Project (VCP) conducts cross-disciplinary research with partners and funders worldwide.
To find out more about becoming a partner, get in touch.
Regional offices
The Vaccine Confidence Project was launched and continues to operate from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, a world leader in public and global health research, postgraduate studies, and continuing education.
Our European Regional Office has been located at the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccinations (CEV), University of Antwerp since 2019. We collaborate with our European partners to develop and evaluate interventions to address vaccine hesitancy and implement the Vaccine Confidence Index.™

Hong Kong
VCP’s South East Asian Regional Office is based at Hong Kong University’s Laboratory of Data Discovery of Health (D24H). The D24H team includes some of the world’s best modellers and statisticians, and they play a pivotal role in gathering and curating massive, unique data resources and developing new, deep frontier analytics for protecting global public health.

Research partners
The VCP has a strong network of academic partners around the world, summarised in the map below. Our teams regularly work together to develop research proposals, conduct analysis, share data and learnings and communicate key insights to policymakers and other key stakeholders.

Other collaborators
The VCP also benefits from the insight and support brought by our wider network of research collaborators and funders. Funders have no role in study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, or writing of studies conducted by the VCP.
Learn more about our funding policy