Dr. Simon Piatek


Digital Lead, the Vaccine Confidence Project at LSHTM


Dr. Simon Piatek is a Digital Media Researcher and an experienced strategic digital practitioner, with 10+ years’ experience of working in the commercial media and higher education industry. Simon joined LSHTM as a Research Fellow (Digital Lead) for the VCP in 2020. Simon has extensive experience of managing digital and social media projects with a particular focus on social listening, audience engagement and digital content production. Simon has led global communications teams and has experience of project-managing complex campaigns and initiatives.

Simon’s other interests include Social Network Analysis, Fake News and Disinformation narratives, OSINT and SOCMINT. Simon has expertise in understanding and working with social media platforms relevant for ECA region, as well as proven experience in monitoring and the analysis of social media interactions in the local languages. He has a Masters in Social Research (Goldsmiths University) and PhD in Digital Media, Digital Methods, Social Listening, and Twitter Trends (University of Warwick).